Epona - Equine Therapy - Website Design Project

Epona - Equine Therapy - Website Design Project
Project Type:



Epona Enterprises

Year Completed:


Create a clean, easy to follow website for an Equine Assisted Therapist (counselling) based in NSW using existing branding already in place.
Project Details:

Website design project for equine assisted therapist

Toni from Epona Enterprises got in touch in 2024 to discuss a new website she required for her Equine Assisted Therapy practice located in the Coffs Harbour hinterland of Deer Vale (near Dorrigo).

Toni wanted to use an existing logo she had previously had designed for the counselling practice. The logo didn't come with branding guidelines so from the logo we extracted the colours and some suitable typefaces to use alongside it.

The website concept was created (a website concept is a print document designed to appear like a website, this makes changes easy to make prior to the website build starting when it becomes more time consuming to do so) and after a few small changes, the website concept was approved and put into production.

The website aesthetic

The website aesthetic was one using light colours such as white, along with light greys and the occasional burst of colour taken from the logo. This was mixed in with many photographs of Toni's business location which included sprawling gardens and of course, horses.

Adding the information and populating the pages

Once a website concept is approved by a client, we normally schedule it in fairly quickly to build the navigation bar, footer section and any other website architecture that we know will be used throughout the site. After this part of the build is completed, we will usually require the full website information provided by the client (unless we are writing the copy internally). Once we receive the approved website copy, we can start to plan how this information will be displayed on the site to create interest, an appealing aesthetic and to provide visual breaks in the website to ensure that copy is retained by the reader prior to navigating forward in the site.

Proofing the site

After we have practically completed the website build with all of the information and images, we create a staging or proofing site which can be accessed by the client via a link prior to it going live. Once the site has been approved, we schedule in time to complete the remaining SEO work required, complete a final test and debug and then schedule in our developer or the domain host to update the domain records after which the site is made live to the public. It's normally at this point we submit the site to Google for indexing and the project is now complete!

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